Orange Sugar Pecans
Special thanks to: SB, Sugar Land, TX Servings: 1 Directions: 1 egg white 2 Tablespoons water Wisk together and set aside. In zip lock bag place the following: 1 Pound bag of Pecans 1 Cup Sugar 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon orange extract 2-3 Tablespoons orange zest (alter if needed) Mix all ingredients above and add egg white mixture to zip lock bag. Mix thoroughly. Place on cookie sheet and place in 250 preheated oven. Bake at 250 for 45 minutes turning every 15 minutes with a metal spatula scraping the sugar and pecans off of the cookie sheet. Sugar coating will become firm and dry. At that point pecans are ready. (adjust baking time if needed) Remove from oven and use metal spatula to make sure pecans are not stuck to cookie sheet. Let cool and store in air tight container or zip lock bags. Special Notes: The orange flavored pecans are a nice addition to any salad as well.